Category Archives: Commentary

Sepia No More – The Flickr Aesthetic

A New York Times review by Virginia Heffernan comments on the development of a so-called Flickr aesthetic.

There is something to this, for better or for worse. Clearly, certain types of photographs that “work” on photographic social networking sites like Flickr (often images that work well in thumbnail-sized electronic version, presented by photographers who are adept at the social networking business) are often quite different from images that might work as prints in a gallery or other venue.

I found one interesting irony in the article. The author seems to describe the Flickr photography in somewhat condescending terms, often suggesting – and not always without reason – that the photographers are naive. The irony is that, for all of the author’s knowledge of artistic issues, she seems equally naive about several aspects of the Flickr phenomenon, digital photography and post-processing, and other more modern developments.

Photographing Yosemite Valley – ‘Tis the Season

Actually, it is almost always a good time to photograph in Yosemite Valley if you know where to look and what to look for, but one of the most interesting times is beginning right about now. The winter snows are melting in the mountains above the Valley and the waterfalls are increasing is size – not only the big falls that everyone recognizes, but also many of the smaller seasonal falls that are fed by melting snow in the lower-elevation areas immediately around the Valley.

The spring growth is also beginning to come in. The dogwood trees of the Valley are a favorite subject, and the are – according to my experience and reports I’m reading – just beginning to blossom. The peak will likely occur between the end of this month and early May. Meadows that are brown for much of the year – including the peak summer season – are turning green and will continue to do so during the coming weeks.

While Yosemite Valley is no longer anything like a wilderness – there are people and cars there in all seasons – the big late spring and summer rush is not on yet, and you can enjoy some relative calm in the Valley still. This is especially true if you don’t follow the crowds to the usual spots and if you get up early – which you do if you are a photographer, right?

UPDATE: Thank you, Edie, for leaving a comment with first-hand information. Edie lives in The Valley…

Server Hosting Issues

I seem to be having some problems at my server hosting company today/tonight. My apologies if these pages are loading slowly for you. I understand that the problem should be resolved soon.

A Missing Email – Was it You?

Someone sent me a fairly long email a few days ago containing some photography questions. I enjoy hearing from blog readers and I try to reply to all emails. Since this message came on a day when I was quite busy, I thought that I saved it in my email queue so that I could come back and answer it later. Today I looked for it and I can’t find it!

If you were the writer, first please accept my apology for losing your message. Second, if you would send your message again I think I’ll have time to reply over the next day or two.
