Merced River and Ilillouette Canyon, Autumn


Merced River and Ilillouette Canyon, Autumn. Yosemite National Park, California. October 26, 2007. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell.

As I set up for this shot – hoping to capture a bit of fall color, the interesting rocks in the riverbed, and the light coming across the ridge above the distant canyon – a person nearby asked “What are you doing? You’re pointing straight into the sun!” True. I saw significant flare in the viewfinder, but this was easy to solve by using my hand to shield the front element of the lens from the direct sun.

I’m almost embarrassed to admit that this photograph was shot right in the middle of one of the most popular tourist destinations in Yosemite – the middle of the bridge below Vernal Fall. At least I pointed the camera the opposite direction from everyone else! :-)

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