Sunset, Mount Dana and Mount Gibb


Sunset, Mounts Dana and Gibb. Yosemite National Park, California. August 6, 2005. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell

I recently rediscovered this photograph taken on a spectacular evening in the Tuolumne Meadows area two years ago. I think it serves as a good example of the value of going back through old photographs from time to time. (I do this every year around the holiday season.) In this case, I had a particular subject in mind when I shot this scene – Mt. Dana, the peak to the left in this image. For that reason I had kept a version of the scene the aimed a bit more to the left and put that peak more clearly into the frame, and I had pretty much passed over this one in which the foreground creek leads the eye (my eye, anyway…) toward the beautiful light on Dana and the peak to the right, Mt. Gibb.

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