January 2008 News

I’m going to collect a few short bits a pieces together in one post this morning:

Email problem? – I just discovered that there may have been a problem with my email account during December. Please accept my apology if you sent me a message at dan@gdanmitchell.com and received no reply. I believe that the problem has been fixed, and I have set up a secondary email at gdanmitchell@gmail.com.

Current photos – December is one of my favorite times of the year in the Central California oak grassland hills. The current photographs of oak trees were made during the past month or so, and are part of a project that should eventually lead to a portfolio of black and white photographs of these oaks.

Seattle – I was able to spend a few (cold and damp) days in the Pacific Northwest during the first week of the new year. Photographs from that trip will not appear here until the end of January and first week of February. (You can preview some of them here, here, and here.)

Google ads – I’m experimenting with some small Google ads on this site. We’ll see how it goes – perhaps I’ll make enough to cover the hosting costs!

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