Thank You

[A photograph that I did not post and which was unknown to me was removed from this page on December 6, 2024.]

NOTE: 12/7/28

I have deleted an image that originally constituted the entire content of this web post.

This week I was alerted that this page displayed a photo that was unknown to me and unrelated to this site. There was no text on the page other than the title, “Thank You.”

Before this contact I had no knowledge of this page or the photograph. I immediately deleted the photograph, and have replaced it with this note.

The post was unlike the thousands* that I have published over the past two decades. It did not contain my photography or writing, and it had no relationship to my photography or any other material on this website. According to server logs, it was viewed only a few dozen times , almost all of them on the purported publication date in early 2017, after which it was dormant until the recent contact.

I make responsible efforts prevent site hacking, including using tools that identify and alert me of suspicious changes to site assets. Because I am proactive, rare suspicious files are deleted or replaced quickly.

As always, I am grateful to those who alert me to problems or concerns here. I always address them in a timely manner, as I have done in this case.

G Dan Mitchell

* How many posts on this site? Between the first post on July 10, 2005 and the end of 2024:
= Nearly 8,200 posts/articles
= More than 6500 images

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