Category Archives: Commentary

Sierra Passes Opening Soon

Sierra Journal reports that the opening of Sonora Pass is scheduled for May 22. This is significant for a number of reasons, including the following:

  • The availability of the Sonora Pass route considerably reduces the time/distance that SF Bay Area folks must drive to get to the eastern Sierra.
  • This suggests that other routes like Ebbetts and Monitor Pass will also be open at that time.
  • Tioga Pass often seems to open within about a week of the opening of Sonora. If that happens this time we could guess that Tioga might open before the end of May.

I’m ready!

About Shooting the Familiar

I was just thinking a bit more about today’s photograph and how it (I hope!) illustrates something I’ve learned about my own photography – as much as I like to visit and photograph new places, I think that I enjoy more getting to photography and know more deeply a few places that I visit regularly.

The photograph was made in a place I’ve visited literally dozens of times… in the past year alone. I’ve walked past this exact spot carrying my photo gear too many times to count. I’ve even stopped and looked at this spot and thought about making a photograph more than once. On a couple of occasions I have made a photograph, only to realize that I hadn’t quite figured out how to shoot this little scene.

But I keep going back to this now-familiar place. Sometimes a visit turns out to be a bust photographically, and I just return with the benefits of some quiet time walking in the hills. On another trip I may discover a new thing – rock, tree, view, bird – that I hadn’t seen before. On this morning – a foggy morning like many others I’ve seen in almost this exact spot –  several things came together at once, unexpectedly, and it a way that will likely never be repeated. The hills were still a bit green but with enough brown to suggest the familiar colors of the approaching California summer. A few flowers were blossoming in the foreground. The atmosphere was in that magical state halfway between fog and sunlight, and the light through the moving fog created some definition on the hills and grass.

I happened to be in this very familiar spot at the right moment in time, happened to look up, and happened to see something in this scene that I had probably not seen until this day… and I got a photograph of this familiar place that I like because I was there, I know the place well, and I was attentive to my surroundings.

Canon Rebates – What’s Hot?

An interesting and unexpected outcome of posting the list of Canon Spring 2009 Rebates here is that my server log provides a sort of informal poll of what is popular among the items eligible for the rebate. (No, I cannot tell who clicks what – only what gets clicked and how many times…)

So far the EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS seems to be the most popular. I can see why, not only is it a very good and very useful lens, but it seems to be an object of desire for quite a few Canon shooters.

I was surprised to see that the second-most-clicked lens is the EF 200mm f/2 IS L lens. Given the price of this lens a lot of photographers must be doing quite well right now… or else everyone just wants to take a look and gawk at the price! (I know that I sure cannot afford that lens!)

Photographer’s Math

I won’t steal their thunder by reposting their content here, but do take a look at the Photographer’s Math blog – pretty funny stuff. (Seen in the Discover new sites post at 1001 Noisy Cameras.)