Category Archives: Commentary

Reply to Reader Question on Sensor Cleaning

Dario sent me some questions about sensor cleaning and I have posted a reply in my forum. (Also see this earlier post.)

Gallery May Be Unavailable Today

While I upgrade some site software today, the could be temporary interruptions in access to this site and especially to the gallery pages.

Answering Readers’ Questions

Readers occasionally email with photography questions, and I’m happy to try to answer. I like to share the answers, so I often post them at a thread in my forum so that others can see what I write. I just answered a couple questions today from Kate and Peter.

Lowepro Rover Plus AW Review Updated

Earlier this week I realized that my review of my Lowepro Rover Plus AW pack had not been updated since I first wrote it – two years ago and after having just purchased it. Since I’ve now used this pack extensively on the trail for over two years I decided it was time to update the article.

(For those who may not know, this pack is designed for use while hiking, etc. and can carry a fair amount of photo equipment along with non-photographic gear – all of which means that I use it quite a bit for landscape and other photography done on foot.)