Category Archives: Commentary

And We Have Our First Forum Post

Congratulations to rileys for offering The First Post in the forum. :-)

The question is about shooting locations at Point Reyes National Seashore. I’ll probably offer something a bit later this afternoon, though my experience there is somewhat limited. Anyone what to help rileys out?

Look! It’s a Forum!

Just for the heck of it, I have added a discussion forum to the site. Some of you who email me questions or information about photography issues from time to time might want to wander over there, sign up, and post something. :-)

In addition to the requisite forums on equipment, technique, locations, and so forth I have included one focusing on photography in the SF Bay Area and another on photographers.

We’ll see where this leads…



(UPDATE: There was a problem with the registration code generation. I have fixed this, and it should now work correctly. I hope… )

California Wildflower Season Arrives Soon

I saw article in the Wall Street Journal on this topic, and I’ve already seen the beginnings of the wildflower display in my local SF Bay Area vicinity. One good source of information about spring flowers in other areas of the state is the Desert Wildflower Watch web site.

Amgen 2008 Tour of California Photographs

I’ve made it to all or parts of three stages of the Amgen 2008 Tour of California bicycle race, and I’ve shot a lot of photographs. Many of them will eventually appear on this page, but I’m posting them first into the bicycling section of my gallery – so head on over there if you are interested in these photographs and don’t want to wait to see them on this page. (They are not all posted as I write this, so you may want to check that link again later.)