Category Archives: Photographs: Ocean & Coast

Sand, Surf, Birds

BeachSurfBirds2006|01|14: Beach, Surf, Birds. Davenport Landing. January 14, 2006. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell.
Sand, Surf, Birds. Davenport Landing. January 14, 2006. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell. (Sales)

I had collapsed the tripod and put the camera away, and I was heading back to the car when hundreds of gulls assembled into a large rotating cloud just off-short. I had just enough time to take out the camera and grab a few hand-held shots.

Pelicans in Flight

PelicanFlight2005|10|15: Pelicans in Flight. Point Lobos. October 15, 2005. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell.
Pelicans in Flight. Point Lobos. October 15, 2005. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell.

Capturing an image like this requires a) finding a nice rock jutting out into the ocean where the birds pass by, b) putting on the longest lens I own (unfortunately, not that long), c) waiting patiently, d) setting the camera to fire many shots automatically in sequence, e) somehow watching the birds, the waves, and the background all at once, f) going through lots of poor shots to find the few decent ones.

I really need a longer lens!