Category Archives: Site News

An Experiment is Underway

I’m beginning an experiment this week that may provide some benefits for this site and for site visitors. I’m going to try moving new photos to my Flickr account and serving the image content of this site from there.

Besides allowing me to more fully integrate the content of my several web sites (including dan’s outside), I’m hopeful that this may relieve the server performance bottleneck that affects the display of photos on my sites.

Don’t be surprised if there a few rough spots as I try to make this transition.

– Dan


Changes to the G Dan Mitchell Photoblog Web Site

I have decided to merge my two photography web sites at this address: Visitors to my old photoblog URL ( should be automatically redirected to this site.

This site will continue to appear as a photoblog – a site featuring frequently updated photographs as I create them. I hope to add a more organized gallery of my favorite photographs soon.

If you are a member of the Photoblog site, I recommend that you go straight to and become a member of this site.

If you subscribe to the RSS feed for this site, you may need to re-subscribe at the new URL:

Email me if you have questions or comments –