Morning Light Patterns, Zabriskie Point. Death Valley National Park. April 4, 2006. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell.
Racetrack Playa Rocks
Racetrack Playa Rocks. Death Valley National Park. April 4, 2006. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell.
In addition to whatever value this photo has as an image, it is instructive about the “moving rocks” phenomenon at the Racetrack Playa.
All over the vast expanse of this remote playa there are rocks that have travelled across its surface. Although no one has seen the rocks move, there is plenty of evidence of their movement. Theories about the process include a very wet and slippery playa surface after rain, high winds, and ice.
In any case, the rocks are thought to come from this rocky outcropping at the south end of the playa. There are many rocks near its base that look like they have just begun their travels, including those in this photo.