Adobe Announces Lightroom Beta

In an obvious response to Apple’s poweful and innovative Aperture program, Adobe today announced the release of the Mac OS beta version of its Lightroom software. (A Windows version is supposed to come later ).

I won’t describe the program since all of the usual photo web sites are covering the story. However, I think there are several observations to make about the the manner and timing of the release and what it may mean for Apple and Aperture.

  • Lightroom is a beta program. The early release is most likely an attempt to steal Aperture’s thunder. Whatever one thinks of Aperture (and the opinions are mixed) it is clear that Adobe is concerned. Adobe likely hopes that the early free release of the beta will limit the number of photographers buying Aperture.
  • The Lightroom beta is Apple-only. Adobe promises a future Windows release, but the Mac OS X version is the one that will come first. This also suggests Adobe concern about the Apple product. (Recently Adobe’s development process has most often been Windows-first.)
  • Whatever happens, this can only help Apple. To the extent that Aperture “wins,” Apple gains converts. If Lightroom “wins” Apple is assured that leading edge Adobe software is available (and first!) on the Macintosh platform. If it is a tie and both turn out to be viable products the Macintosh would have two “best of breed” programs in this category.

Overall, Apple should be very happy about this development – and so should photographers.

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