Last Chance for an Ansel Adams Grove?

From SFGate: Parcels near 2 of his homes about to be sold

A coalition of neighbors who live in the sprawling homes that surround the land, along with environmentalists and Adams admirers has formed in hopes of preserving the property and one day turning it into the Ansel Adams Grove — a place where visitors could stroll, see the homes, be surrounded by the nature that inspired Adams and visit a monument that pays tribute to the native San Franciscan who many have no idea ever stepped foot in the city.

“Nobody knows he’s from San Francisco,” said Tom McAfee, a neighbor who is leading the charge to have the land preserved as open space. “There’s no memorial anywhere. There’s no designation … most people figure he was probably born in Yosemite or New Mexico.”

But their dream to dedicate the land to Adams may be just that.


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