Saturday at the Velodrome

VeloTrainingRaceVert2006|11|04: Saturday Training Race. Hellyer Park Velodrome, San Jose, California. November 4, 2006. © "copyright g dan mitchell".    keywords: bicycle velodrome track race racing training hellyer park san jose saturday morning black and white photograph

Saturday Training Race. Hellyer Park Velodrome, San Jose, California. November 4, 2006. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell.

I’ve been involved in cycling for many years, but recently I’ve had some opportunities to try shooting track racing and the Hellyer Park Velodrome in San Jose. (It helps that my son is on the track!)

Cycling photography seems tricky to me. Normally there is far to much to cover and it is spread out over many miles – the only way to get continuous shots is probably to use a vehicle and be in the race. On the other hand, track racing is contained to a small oval that is completely visible from one location, the riders are very close to the spectators and to one another, and one can move around te track looking for good angles.

Though shot in color, somehow black and white versions of the photos seem appropriate for the velodrome.

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