About the UCLA Photos

I was in Los Angeles last weekend for something at UCLA. More accurately, I drove my son to something at UCLA.

My plan was to drop him off for his event and then drive to the Getty Museum to do some photography. I’ve been there a few times and I’m intrigued by the architecture and the light. I had some particular shot ideas in mind, mostly involving low-angle afternoon sunlight. However, things don’t always go as planned… It was raining.

I had just managed to reconsider my goals and develop some ideas about rainy, cloudly shots at the Getty when I found out that I would not have time to get over there and back to meet my son. So, instead, I ended up with about an hour and a half to wander about at UCLA in the rain.

I started in the sculpture garden at the north end of campus and took a few shots there – nothing that seemed to go anywhere though. Then I wandered over to one of the older buildings housing, among other things, an espresso shop. I killed a few minutes there and then left slowly. First I noticed a very interesting set of stairs between this building and an adjacent structure – hopefully I’ll get a photo or two out of that. Then I saw this empty patio with interesting lines and contrasts between the white table tops and chairs, dark colored tiles, and the black legs of the chairs and tables.

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