That’s today’s question at Behind the Lens by George Barr. (With my personal responses in italics…)
- ***do you get up early enough to catch the best light
Usually, but sometimes it is so hard. I have to confess that sometimes I cut it so close that I arrive exactly when the light is good, when it really would be better to get there a bit earlier, set up, and wait.
- ***do you use a tripod when appropriate?
What do you mean by “appropriate?” ;-) Actually, I think I’m pretty good about this, though I do shoot handheld sometimes, especially with an IS lens.
- ***what about cable release and or mirror lockup?
- ***do you stitch when you can?
Yup. I also shoot multiple exposures so that I can combine them in PS – sort of the software version of using ND filters.
- ***do you use the best camera for the job or make compromises for covenience? (within your budget)
Boy, that is a hard one to answer. I think my camera is appropriate for the specifics of my photography – often on foot, etc. I certainly use the best lenses for the job. I do think that a better/different camera body is going to be in my future though.
- ***do you shoot raw?
No, I’m always well dressed, thank you… Oh, you meant RAW mode on the camera!? Yes.
- ***do you back up all shoots within 24 hours?
Check. Multiple backups, actually, and immediately after I move them from the camera to the computer.
- ***do you have a labelling/filing system that lets you painlessly find images several years and thousands of images later?
Uh, well, hmm, not exactly. I could certainly do better here. One thing that often saves me is that I post dated versions of the images I like best on a couple of my web sites. (Here and at dan’s outside.) So when someone asks about a particular image I can usually locate the original RAW file and the PS version fairly quickly. I do file the better images categorized by subject.
- ***do you profile your monitor? Regularly?
Check. And Check.
- ***do you update the images and information on your website regularly?
Check. Actually, more like obsessive-compulsive blogger, double super check… except for that portfolio page. Really gotta’ get back to that.
– Dan
G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” (Heyday Books) is available directly from him.
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