Changes Coming

Sometime during the next few weeks there will likely be some rather major changes at this web site. I’m going to move to a new hosting service. I may rethink the way I store and present my photographs.

I may split the site into two separate sites – a blog and a gallery. The blog may end up as a blogger site, either the current mirror site or something different – or it may simply move to a WordPress blog at the new host. Some of these options will allow me to keep the blog at the current URL, while others may not.

I am still thinking through the logistics of online storage and presentation of my photographs. Recently I’ve been linking to copies stored at Flickr, and that seems to be working OK. I’ve also experimented with a gallery service through the new hosting company, and that option offers some advantages. Then there are the online photographers’ sites such as smugmug and pbase and the like. Too many choices!

If you follow this blog regularly and don’t want to lose track of it during the transition, I suggest that you also follow the version at, subscribe to that site’s RSS feed, and watch here (and there) for announcements of changes.

– Dan


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