Slingshot 200 AW UPdate: Lowepro Earns an A+ For Customer Service!

As part of an answer to a question posed by a reader last week I wrote:

(One final note on the [Lowepro] Slingshot [200 AW]. I’ve used mine heavily for a year and a half or so and it has generally performed well. However, last week I discovered that one of the main zippers is coming apart where it curves around the “top” of the bag. I’ll have to reserved final judgment until I find out what Lowepro has to say about replacement or repair when I contact them later this month.)

Shortly after I wrote that I emailed the Lowepro customer service department to ask about a repair. “Maury” wrote back immediately with instructions for sending the bag to their service facility in Sebastapol, California for repair. I sent it off last Friday.

Today (only three business days later!) I received a brand new Slingshot 200 AW from Lowepro. Even though I hard removed interior padding and so forth, they sent a full new product package including all accessories and components.

Good work, Lowepro – I’m very impressed!

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