4 thoughts on “I Do Believe I Hear The Aspens Calling”

  1. I had a blast up there. Thank you for mentioning Monitor Pass–it truly is spectacular up there. Not to be a curmudgeonly displaced Rhode Islander, but as lovely as they were, they weren’t a patch on New England Coluh. I will say that you don’t get yellows like that back east. Birches will turn a lemony yellow, and maples will be mostly reds and golden oranges. The aspens are a golden yellow, very lovely, but muted compared to chowdah land. They will do in a pinch, though.

    Great shot on your outside blog, Dan! I’ll be posting to my flickr account, and will give a rundown on my own blog. I got close to 400 shots this weekend!

  2. Well, I guess our paths didn’t cross this time… I was there twice on this little trip – first during the late morning when I shot the grove at the top of the pass along with “Ken” (hope I remember that name correctly) from Sacramento. Then I revisited the pass right before sunset, first shooting a panoramic view of the valley on the highway 395 side before spending a half hour of “golden light” time in the summit grove once again.

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