Blog on Autopilot… But the Real Pilot is Coming Back

Almost everything that has appeared on this site during the last week was queued up weeks ago. “Why?” you ask. (Or maybe you don’t, but I’m going to answer anyway. :-)

It has been a very busy June – and for the most part not for photographic reasons. I’m a faculty member at a California college that is on the quarter system, and the spring term has been coming to a conclusion, with final exams this week – and I’m deep (hip deep, more or less) in the process of grading, grading, grading. And more grading.

Two weeks ago my oldest son moved to the SF Bay Area from Seattle and I flew up there to help him load a U-Haul truck, drive it to the Bay Area over the course of two days, and then unload and move into his new place.

And last weekend was my daughter’s wedding! As you can imagine, that wonderful event filled the better part of four or five days. (Although we hired professional photographers I did do some photography as well. More on that later.)

But in a few days things will begin to calm down. Grades will have been turned in. I’ll have the summer ahead of me – and I don’t teach summer session and I don’t return to the college until late September. This will give me more time for my photography, and I have some plans to post articles on several subjects here on the blog.

I hear the Sierra calling!

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