I’m Back – In More Ways Than One

I’ve been in California’s Sierra Nevada for about a week and a half, most of that time on the west-to-east backpack traverse of the range via the High Sierra Trail of Sequoia National Park – this trail starts at Crescent Meadow on the west side and eventually crosses over Mount Whitney to end at Whitney Portal on the east side.

Yes, there will be photographs. Soon.

Apparently my “virtual self” checked out last Saturday or so when this site went down. Why does it alway seem to happen when I’m away!? Thank you to those who sent email to let me know about this, and an apology to others who may have been unable to access the site – especially to any of those I met on the pack trip.

I’m hopeful that things will operate more reliably now, though it also appears that a few glitches may remain. (And thank you to the tech support at siteground.com for working quickly to get things back up and running after I contacted them.)


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