Format Problem with Blog Search and RSS Solved?

Earlier today I posted:

A week ago, after having recently updated the theme for this blog, I became aware that search results returned by the blog do not include images. That is a problem on a photography web site! Earlier today, several people emailed to point out that the images have also disappeared from the RSS feed for the site.

The loss of images in search and RSS was certainly not intentional! I’m going to try to figure out why this has happened and correct it as soon as I can. (“Thank you” to readers who alerted me to this!)

I have a bit of an update, and I also have a quick request if you have a moment…

One problem was that images were not showing up when visitors searched to site using the search box that appears near the top of the sidebar on each page. Only text was being returned in the search results. I believe that I have fixed this problem – my own searches now include images incorporated in the original post. That is pretty darned important on a photography blog!

The other problem was that several readers who subscribe to posts via the RSS feed reported no longer seeing images in the feed. This has proven a bit more complex. I checked my Google Reader feeds, where I had been monitoring two versions of this blog’s feed. I discovered that the photographers were, indeed, missing from one version of the feed. I cancelled both feeds and resubscribed and… now they both work correctly. I also checked the php files for the RSS page and it looks like it should include the entire posts, images and all.

So, if you have encountered a problem with images disappearing from the RSS feed recently, I would like to suggest the following:

  1. Try to unsubscribe from the feed in your feed reader. The subscribe again, as if you were doing it for the first time.
  2. If you do this and the images are still not visible in posts that follow your completion of this step, I would be grateful if you would let me know a bit more about how your subscribe.
  3. You might also consider using Google Reader as your RSS feed reader. That is what I now use, and I’m pleased with the interface… and the images seem to show up correctly there.

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