Update on Gallery Access

In addition to the photographs that I post daily in the blog portion of my website, a gallery of my photography at the site is the repository for several thousand of my images. During the past few days I have encountered some issues with access to the gallery, and I apologize if you have encountered the same problem.

I posted a brief note about this yesterday, first to acknowledge the problem and then to announce – a bit prematurely perhaps – that it had been fixed. Unfortunately, the “fix” only succeeded in letting me see the gallery – and I discovered this morning that no one else could see it! I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that the cause was a bone-headed mistake that I made that apparently placed the gallery into “maintenance mode,” which only lets me see it while I’m logged in as administrator. Compounding the problem was the fact that no real error page was in place to redirect folks who encountered the problem.

With fingers tightly crossed, I can say that I’m (as) sure (as I can ever be, which probably isn’t sure enough…) that the problem has now been fixed. I apologize to anyone who was inconvenienced by the problem. Please use the contact form or send me an email if you have questions.



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