Tundra Swans, Mount Shasta, Winter

Tundra Swans, Mount Shasta, Winter
Tundra swans fly over Klamath Basin and in front of Mount Shasta

Tundra Swans, Mount Shasta, Winter. Klamath Basin, California. February 13, 2016. © Copyright 2016 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Tundra swans fly over Klamath Basin and in front of Mount Shasta

Near the conclusion of several days photographing along the Oregon/California border around Klamath Falls I packed up for the last time, loaded my vehicle, and started the long return trip to the San Francisco Bay Area. Since it was a gray and rainy morning I had been lazy, sleeping in until there was some morning light before leaving — it didn’t seem like much of a morning for bird photography, at least not by comparison to the past few days, with their beautiful morning and evening light. I drove through town, picked up my highway, and headed out.

As I drove it was raining lightly and there was mist everywhere. As usually happens, I began to see photographic potential in this winter landscape, and when I saw a cloud-shrouded lake off to one side, I quickly turned onto a side road to investigate. There wasn’t much there to photograph, but I realized that this was the far end of a road along which I had earlier photographed tundra swans. I had no idea how far away they might be, but I wasn’t in a hurry, so I decided to investigate. It turned out that I didn’t have far to go, and too I saw flocks of tundra swans lined up and passing overhead as the rain let up. i turned of this road and onto a gravel track, driving out to an area that appeared to be under the birds’ path, and from there I saw this wintry view of Mount Shasta, with layers of storm clouds stacked above its snow-covered lower slopes — and I waited until a group of the swans passed in front to make this photograph.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books and Amazon.
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