Three Discarded Flowers

Three Discarded Flowers
Three discarded spring flowers, photographed in a wheelbarrow

Three Discarded Flowers. © Copyright 2019 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Three discarded spring flowers, photographed in a wheelbarrow.

I am not the main flower photographer in our family — that would be my wife Patricia Emerson Mitchell, whose primary focus is on photographing very small things, usually flowers and plants, and frequently in abstract ways. (We have a standing joke here about “our” macro lens… that I never get to use….) But still, I give it a try from time to time, and I enjoy seeing what I can do with this subject.

I recently accompanied her to a nearby formal garden where she often photographs. (It didn’t discourage me to know the they have a small cafe there, too. ;-) We went early in the morning on a non-busy weekday, thus avoiding the crowds and making it a bit easier to do photography without getting in the way. The gardeners (lots of them!) were there, too. One contingent was heading roses and clipping spent flowers and vegetation… and I found that the piles of discarded flora photographically interesting. That’s where I found these three flowers on a bed of clipped leaves in a wheelbarrow. (I think that the gardeners wondered about my sanity when they saw me photographing their garden trash!)

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books and Amazon.

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