Where Are the New Autumn Aspen Photos?

If you have followed me here or on social media for a while you know that I’m passionate about photographing fall color in the Eastern Sierra Nevada. I usually spend a lot of time up there during the first two or three weeks of October when the colors peak.

But I don’t have any new Sierra fall color photos to share this year. I thought I should explain why.

Something felt “off” back in June after we returned from our UK trip and Great Glen Way trek. I chalked it up to lingering effects from a probable covid infection. But eventually the issue become more serious and it became clear that I was having a heart problem, and by late August it was interfering with my activities.

Symptoms became serious enough at the beginning of September that I made an emergency room visit. After hours of observation and testing showed rather high blood pressure but otherwise normal results, I was sent home. A few days later I had additional heart tests, which were also encouraging — no structural heart abnormalities. A heart rhythm issue was discovered, but it doesn’t look serious and it should be treatable.

Blood pressure medication (that I probably should have started much earlier) was prescribed, and it is having a positive effect. My symptoms are greatly diminished and continuing to improve as we work out the best treatment plan. I’m very encouraged, and it looks like my activities won’t be seriously impaired going forward. (Though I am a little peeved that my doctor told me to eliminate coffee and alcohol for now! ;-) )

Even though my doctor said it would be OK, I felt that spending time at high elevations while still having disturbing heart symptoms would not be wise. So I’ve been hanging out here at sea level… and fortunately there’s a very scenic coastline nearby!

On one hand, I really miss being up in the mountains as the seasons change, and I think about it all the time. On the other hand, I’m grateful that I’m getting treatment, and that I should be able to get back up there in the future!

4 thoughts on “Where Are the New Autumn Aspen Photos?”

  1. Dan, I had been wondering about the lack of Sierra Fall images this year. Sorry to read you have been experiencing BP issues. Take care and get well soon.
    My fall outings this year have also been subject to health related restrictions – pleural effusion and hydropneumothorax requiring hosptalisation. The joys of the advancing years!

    1. As my mother used to say, as she headed into her nineties, “Welcome to the golden years!” Sorry to hear you are dealing with health issues, too, and that you ended up hospitalized. Darned aging!

  2. Please take care of yourself!!! We can wait for any pictures, but your health comes first. Sorry about the coffee and alcohol, I’d have to add and donuts.


    1. Thanks, Ernie. I’ve still been able to get out and photograph along the coast a few times — and some of those will be here before long. I just haven’t felt that it was wise to push things and go to higher elevations as we sort this out.

      Sorry about the donuts! I’ve kind of been off donuts myself for a while, just because. But I love a bunch of other pastries!

      I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to resume a more normal pattern (a little coffee! A drink now and then!) eventually. But if not, I can deal with it. Not that I won’t complain a bit… ;-)


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