Category Archives: Commentary

Jim Gets Lucky, or Perseverence Pay Off

Jim Goldstein is a San Francisco Bay Area photographer whose work includes many photographs of Bay Area icons. He has apparently been trying to get a particular shot of the Golden Gate Bridge for some time now… and he recently got it. See Out of the Gloom: Golden Gate Bridge and Fog – for the photograph and for the story of getting the shot.

Standing in the Same Spot

Inge Fernau posted a comment on one of my earlier photos – a shot of Lee Vining Creek. She included a link to her version of this scene, and it is kind of scary to see how similar it is. Follow the link to my original post to see what I mean.

A Note About Current Photographs

At this web site you’ll generally be looking at photos I shot a few weeks or even a month ago. When I return from a shoot I spend a few days starting to get the image in order, selecting my favorites, and doing some initial work on them – and then I post them into the queue at this blog. The current images mostly come from a couple of weekends in Yosemite Valley near the beginning of November. I was in Southern California last weekend, and I have a few images from the Getty Center that will be posted here before too long.

Reminder: Pigeon Point Lighthouse Tonight

I earlier linked to Andy Fraser’s post about the Pigeon Point lighthouse event at which the original fresnel lens beam is lighted. This is a reminder that the event is tonight. (I’ll be there.)