Tag Archives: 70-200mm

New Canon Instant Rebates on Lenses

It looks like new rebates are available on Canon lenses, at least via B&H Photo/Video. Given the recent increases in Canon lens list prices, this may be a good opportunity to save some money on that lens you have been waiting for. The list of eligible lenses includes some very popular ones.

If you are ready to spend over $5000 on a 200mm f/2 lens (!) you can save $500. Many other lenses offer instant rebates in the $100-$150 range with some less-expensive lenses offering smaller rebates. Lenses available under this offer include:

Canon Rebates – What’s Hot?

An interesting and unexpected outcome of posting the list of Canon Spring 2009 Rebates here is that my server log provides a sort of informal poll of what is popular among the items eligible for the rebate. (No, I cannot tell who clicks what – only what gets clicked and how many times…)

So far the EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS seems to be the most popular. I can see why, not only is it a very good and very useful lens, but it seems to be an object of desire for quite a few Canon shooters.

I was surprised to see that the second-most-clicked lens is the EF 200mm f/2 IS L lens. Given the price of this lens a lot of photographers must be doing quite well right now… or else everyone just wants to take a look and gawk at the price! (I know that I sure cannot afford that lens!)