Reader “Tom” writes to ask:
I’ve read your reports on the 5Dsr. I assume by now you have one? Maybe you have different thoughts now, but you seem to point to the new body being good for large print/detail, but maybe not so great for fine art print.
If that’s still the case, what would you opt for if leaning towards fine art prints, large, maybe a heavily cropped slice measuring say 16″ x 72″ or so? Minus a mf body.
I’m looking to switch bodies and thinking the 5dsr or possibly the Nikon d810. Just curious what your thoughts might be if you ever had time. Thanks.

It has been a while since I’ve written about the Canon 5DS and the 5DsR cameras here, but since you asked I’ll share more based on my extensive use of the 5DsR over the past months. I have used it to photography everything from landscapes to people to wildlife. I think I see several sub-questions here, so let me respond to each of them.
Are the 5DsR and 5DS good for large prints? Continue reading Reader Question: 5Ds/5DsR Print Quality