Changes Coming

I previously noted that this web site is going to move to a new hosting service at some point. I don’t know the precise date, but it will likely be fairly soon – probably in the next week or so. The site may be inaccessible for a short time, and then some resources may temporarily (or, in a few cases, permanently) go missing and/or move to slightly different locations. The design of the site is also likely to change.

You’ll still be able to find the site at the same URL ( though parts of the site, such as the Subjects area may ultimately end up at a different URL. More on that as it happens.

The RSS feed will also change. Unfortunately, I won’t know the URL for the feed until after the changeover occurs. Watch for the new version of the site and simply re-subscribe at that time.

I have been operating a temporary mirror of the site at That site will continue through the transition, so any news that I can’t post here should be available there.

Finally, I’m starting to implement some changes in the way that my photographs are presented online. You may have noticed changes to the frames around the photos, and I am trying somewhat smaller online versions of the photos. Earlier I moved from hosting the photos at this site to hosting the images at Flicker. I am contemplating the addition of a separate gallery area as well.

Thanks for your patience during this transition.



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