Ocean Swells and Fog

Ocean Swells and Fog
Ocean Swells and Fog. Pacific Ocean south of San Francisco, California. January 12, 2008. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell.

This is one in a series of minimalist ocean photographs that I’m working on.

keywords: ocean; swells; waves; pacific; coast; highway; fog; clouds; mist; water; distance; california; usa; seascape; landscape; stock; minimalism; minimalist; winter; sea; california; usa

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3 thoughts on “Ocean Swells and Fog”

  1. Hi, Kelsey. I like this one, too, and the series I’m working on. They aren’t quite as obvious as some of the others, including the one I posted yesterday in the bit on the 100-400 lens – but they work for me. Hard to make something out of almost nothing…

    BTW, it may be hard to figure out the scale of this photo, but those swells were HUGE. This was the day of the Mavericks surf competition and when the waves hit the shore they were almost as big as anything I’ve ever seen along the Pacific coast in this part of California.


    (For anyone else who might read this message… Kelsey gets more prints because she is my daughter… :-)

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