Studio Nocturne 2012 Open Studio – Fort Mason, SF – October 12-14

Yellow Buildings, Shadows, Moving Clouds - Night photograph of two large yellow buildings, shadows, and streaks for clouds moving across the sky above the Mare Island Naval Ship Yard, California.
Yellow Buildings, Shadows, Moving Clouds – Night photograph of two large yellow buildings, shadows, and streaks for clouds moving across the sky above the Mare Island Naval Ship Yard, California.


Studio Nocturne 2012 Open Studio returns for the tenth year to Fort Mason Center for San Francisco Open Studios, October 13-14, 2012, 11am-6pm – with a Preview Reception on Friday, Oct. 12, from 6-9pm. This year, ten intrepid Night Photographers (“NPrs”) again participate in the event (PLUS twenty Bay Printmakers!) once again showing in the huge “Fleet Room” in Landmark Bldg. ‘D’ (ground level). This annual event is always fun, free – plan to attend! See the link for more information.

Participating photographers include:

Blake Barrett
Tim Baskervile
Linda Fitch
James Miglian
G Dan Mitchell
Deborah Rourke
Greta & Manu Schnetzler
Kevin Sheridan
Amanda Tomlin
Roxanne Worthington

Yes, yours truly is one of the photographers whose work will be on display. If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area and wonder what my work looks like in print form… come on down! While a good portion of my 15 prints are of night or near-night subjects, some of my natural and urban landscape will also be shown.

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