Telford Bridge, River Moriston

Telford Bridge, River Moriston
“Telford Bridge, River Moriston” — The River Moriston flows past the historic Telford Bridge at Invermoriston, Scotland.

We came to the historic Telford Bridge at the end of a long day on the Great Glen Way walk, as we entered the small town of Invermoriston. There were a few surprises at the end of the day. For one, as we came down the last hill the town appeared to be right in front of us, but then the route headed off to the right to take us to bridge across the river. Soon after the crossing we came to the Telford Bridge. All in all, it was a wonderful walk, full of cloudy views of Loch Ness and the Scottish countryside.

The name of the bridge refers to the same Thomas Telford who conceived of the Caledonian Canal connecting Inverness and Fort William, along with many other projects in the late 1700s and early 1800s. The original bridge was constructed over the River Morriston in 1839. (The current structure dates to 1913.) As a side note, seeing the River Moriston flowing past the town of Invermoriston as we walked toward Invernes… a mental lightbulb came on and I wondered, “What does ‘inver’ mean, and why does it keep showing up in place names?” In turns to that an inver is a place where bodies of water (typically a lake and a river) meet.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.

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