Boulders and Trees, Lower Young Lake. Yosemite National Park. September 14, 2010. © Copyright 2010 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.
Subalpine forest strewn with granite boulders in morning light, Lower Young Lake.
This photograph comes from late in last year’s backpacking season, on a mid-September trip to the Young Lakes Basin. As I have previously written, this area is a beautiful one to explore and is doubly beautiful for photographers since it is open to the western evening light. I made this photograph in the morning and not far from my campsite at the lower of the three Young Lakes. This sort of scene is no doubt familiar to anyone who has spent much time in the Sierra Nevada high country and has come to know these areas of mixed trees and meadows among fields of large granite boulders. I found this particular scene by leaving the trail behind and exploring more widely around the shoreline of the lake.
G Dan Mitchell Photography
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