Tag Archives: mitchell

Photo Equipment I Use: Two Resources on the Blog

Since (believe it or not… ;-) people sometimes ask me what equipment I use and why, I have created a page listing some of the products I use these days: See G Dan Mitchell’s Equipment List. In addition, there is also a Reports, Tests, and Commentary page that serves as an index of posts that I have made about equipment and other related topics.

Enjoy, and feel free to post questions and comments.

An Interview With… Me!

Fellow California photographer Ivan Makarov has posted an interview with me at his blog. It was a special pleasure to do this with Ivan in that I think there are some real connections between his work and mine. In his introduction he notes that he can recognize my photographs from small thumbnails, even when posted among those of other photographers. It turns out that Ivan also has a characteristic style in his work that I can recognize quickly – and it is a style that I find quite appealing.

Thanks, Ivan!

Holiday Photographs – There’s Still Time

If you are interested in ordering a print for a holiday gift – or for yourself – there is still time… but not much! Almost all of my photographs are available as prints. I can print many of them at sizes of up to 24″ x 36″. Smaller sizes are also available of course.

Prints ordered during the next 72 hours or so can be shipped via 2-3 day mail on Monday and should arrive by Christmas. If you are in the San Francisco Bay Area I can probably push that timing a bit – and if I’m out doing photography in your area I might even be able to deliver a print to you myself.

New facebook username-based URL

I just saw that one can now have a custom facebook URL… and I grabbed mine. At facebook I am now found at: www.facebook.com/gdanmitchell.

Even if you can’t imagine why you would want such a thing right now, just do it. There is nothing to lose and potentially something to gain. These short and logical URLs are much easier to remember (or even guess!) than the odd ones formerly used at Facebook. If history is a guide, the good ones will go fast!