Tag Archives: photographs

Windsurfing Photographs

Last March I was over on the coast near Davenport, California in the afternoon, and I wandered down to a beach where I’ve photographed in the past. I’d previously gone there to photograph birds and seascapes, but on this day it turned out that the dozens of windsurfers provided a more interesting subject.

I mention this because I’m finally finding time to go through the hundreds of frames I shot that day, and I’ve been posting them over in the Gallery – you can find a good number of them if you check out the recent updates page today, or you can go straight to the windsurfing page.

Sharpness Test Updated

I have updated my Sharpness and Aperture Selection of Full-Frame DSLRs post to include the corner crops from the same photos used for the center crops that were already there. Here’s the image I added – see the link for full information.