Ridges and Redwoods. © Copyright 2018 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.
Old-growth and second-growth redwood forests on successive ridges
The drive from my location in the San Francisco Bay Area to the Redwood National and State Parks is a long one. One can either take the slower, shorter, and arguably more scenic route up US 101 or the faster, longer, and less visually interesting way up Interstate 5. On this visit, my first serious foray into these parks, I went up 5 to Redding, then headed west for another 3 hours to reach the coast, and finally turned north towards the actual Redwood National Park.
I have previously mentioned that I usually don’t exactly over-plan when I visit a new location, preferring to give myself a chance to discover things on my own terms. (To be honest, I’ve been accuses — accurately — of under-planning!) By the time I arrived it was too late to do a lot of scouting, so I headed up into the park to a well-known grove, made a brief stop there, and then continued on up a tiny, twisting road. Eventually I arrived at a large hilltop clearing, probably the unfortunate left-over of decades-earlier clear-cutting but today offering an expansive view across valley and hills in the very late afternoon light. Just below me was a ridge topped by second-growth trees, in the middle distance was a less-accessible ridge with huge old-growth trees, and on the far side of the valley the effects of that old clear-cutting is still visible.
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G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books and Amazon.
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