Tag Archives: think

Almost Time for Eastern Sierra Aspen Color

Aspen Thicket, Bishop Creek - Bright yellow autumn leaves festoon a dense aspen thicket along Bishop Creek near South Lake, California.
Aspen Thicket, Bishop Creek – Bright yellow autumn leaves festoon a dense aspen thicket along Bishop Creek near South Lake, California.

Earlier today I posted my first photos of fall color from the 2012 season, so it seems like a good time to re-share my overview of photographing the Eastern Sierra aspen color, “Sierra Nevada Fall Color – Coming Sooner Than You Think!” The article gives a general outline of where you might look for aspen color in areas from about Carson Pass south to just below Bishop, and also goes into some ideas, both technical and aesthetic, about how you might photograph this subject. I first posted the article three years ago, and I’ve updated it each year since then.

The “coming sooner than you think” part of the article’s title seems especially appropriate this year. Although one can never be absolutely certain how the color change will play out or when it will start and end, there are signs that things may be a bit different this year. The main thing is that some color seems to have appeared a bit earlier than usual. I found some interesting color (though distinctly short of peak color) on a three-day backpacking trip into McGee Canyon on September 14-16 this year – and that seems significantly earlier than I normally expect. I have also heard some second- and third-hand reports of a bit of interesting color already developing in a few other aspen areas.

(9/25/12 update: Various sources who have been in the Sierra since I wrote the original post or who are there now are generally reporting that the color transition has indeed begun a bit ahead of schedule this season. While the progress of aspen color can never be precisely predicted, I’d plan on erring on the side of arriving a bit early this year – in fact, that’s precisely what I plan to do!)

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer whose subjects include the Pacific coast, redwood forests, central California oak/grasslands, the Sierra Nevada, California deserts, urban landscapes, night photography, and more.
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Website and Affiliate News

Every so often it seems like time to do a bit of updating around the blog, and I’m embarking on a bit of that work here at the end of the summer season. Some of the changes are minor or even invisible, but you may notice others as you look around the blog – now and during upcoming weeks. One change has been to move some affiliate links to where you can find them a bit more easily in the right sidebar of the blog.

B&H Photo is the well known vendor of photography, video, audio, and many other products – with an impressive storefront in New York City and a great online store that carries just about anything photographic that you might need or want.

Craft And Vision eBooks

Craft & Vision has pioneered the creation and sales of excellent and inexpensive eBooks on a wide range of photographic topics, and written by a group of experienced photographers.

ThinkTank Photo

ThinkTank Photo produces and sells a range of very high quality and innovative photographic bags and related gear. My primary gear bag is their Airport Acceleration bag.

I personally purchase and use products from each of these vendors. I’m grateful when you make purchases through these links since they help support the blog and you get the same prices on great gear. If you find the information at this blog useful, consider making your purchases through these links. Thanks!

© Copyright 2012 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer whose subjects include the Pacific coast, redwood forests, central California oak/grasslands, the Sierra Nevada, California deserts, urban landscapes, night photography, and more.
Blog | About | Flickr | Twitter | FacebookGoogle+ | 500px.com | LinkedIn | Email

Text, photographs, and other media are © Copyright G Dan Mitchell (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.