Walking Man With Child

Walking Man With Child
Walking Man With Child

Walking Man With Child. New York City. August 5, 2014. © Copyright 2014 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A man carrying a child walks along a Manhattan street

Beyond the most general location — “Manhattan” — I’m not certain at the moment where I made this photograph, though there is a good chance that it was in Manhattan between roughly NYU and Grand Central Station. It seems, to me, to be emblematic of New York City in many ways, and the incongruity of an individual man carrying a child while walking through the area caught my attention. To be honest, the two of them were a lucky stroke. I”m pretty certain that I had first noticed that scene and thought to photograph it as a sort of urban landscape, but that as I was framing my shots the man and child happened to walk into the scene.

In retrospect, there now seems to me to be something almost poignant in the image of the man cradling the small child in his arms as he walks past and through what appears to be a very run down urban landscape. (The truth is probably a bit less dramatic, as you can find bits and pieces of real estate that look like this in many parts of the city, from what I’ve seen.) I think that it also helps that we is caught in a bit of soft but directed light reflected into the scene from surrounding buildings. I find the details of the graffiti and related stuff on the walls to be interesting, too. Of course, to the extent that I “saw” these things at the time, it had to be largely an instinctive matter, since there is rarely enough time to carefully consider all of these things when on the street and when the subject is walking into and out of the frame!

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist whose subjects include the Pacific coast, redwood forests, central California oak/grasslands, the Sierra Nevada, California deserts, urban landscapes, night photography, and more.
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