Camera Gear… and Baseball (Morning Musings 10/3/14)

The Bleacher Seats, AT&T Park
The Bleacher Seats, AT&T Park

Recently someone posed — for the 11,535th time — a question about camera brands: Who is truly winning when it comes to the sensor game?

The context of the question had to do with recent advances in digital camera sensors from Sony, found in certain Sony cameras and in Nikon DSLR bodies. (These recent sensors have pushed a few boundaries forward, as always happens when new components are developed and released. In this case, they increase the photo site density and dynamic range.)

As a sometime Bay Area baseball fan, I understand that the concept of “who is winning?” is a nebulous and ephemeral one. Take the Oakland A’s, one of my SF Bay Area teams. A few months ago no one could touch them — they were on a record-breaking winning streak and were the hard-scrabble, underdog heroes of baseball. By the end of the season they couldn’t win and they slipped inexorably from a sure bet to “ain’t gonna happen,” barely scraping out a chance to get one wild-card playoff game… which they lost.

The other Bay Area team, the SF Giants (my emotional favorite, since I grew up following them) was up, was down, and never, even at their best, looked like a sure bet for anything. They had been in the lead, but not by that much, and in the end they came out just a bit behind the (evil, nefarious) Dodgers… but also qualified for a wildcard spot. And they won that wildcard game in fine fashion and go on to a division playoff today. (Giants fans have a word for this, though the full context perhaps only makes sense to those who have watched the team for a while: Torture.)

So, the answer to “who is winning?” is either a very much “in the moment” answer that means virtually nothing over the long run OR there could be some final competitive event at which a final winner is determined… for this year. And then the process starts all over again, and someone else “is winning.”

Extrapolated to photography equipment, right now I would say that Nikon is something like one of the two teams in our California Giants/Dodgers rivalry. Depending on which week you check, one of them is doing better than the other in some ways, but neither will ever be proven (says the Giants fan… ;-) to win in a a final, ultimate, never-to-be-challenged way. Ahead? Yes. How long? Probably not very? The winner? No.

Right now Nikon has an edge by some measure. On the basis of other factors, it doesn’t. A few months or a year from now… who knows? And, really, when it comes to photography — as differentiated from fawning over gear specifications — who cares?

But, yes, the Dodgers won the division title. This year. I’m not bitter. Yet.

Morning Musings are somewhat irregular posts in which I write about whatever is on my mind at the moment. Connections to photography may be tenuous at times!

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist whose subjects include the Pacific coast, redwood forests, central California oak/grasslands, the Sierra Nevada, California deserts, urban landscapes, night photography, and more.
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Text, photographs, and other media are © Copyright G Dan Mitchell (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

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4 thoughts on “Camera Gear… and Baseball (Morning Musings 10/3/14)”

    1. Thanks, Jean. Sony looks (at the moment) to be cornering a good part of the sensor market. When you mention Pentax… I’m quite intrigued by the Pentax 645z “mini MF” body with the 50MP 33mm x 44mm sensor… made by Sony!

      I still need a DSLR, so I’m not making any moves all of a sudden, but I’m contemplating. Though it is a bit scary to imagine ending up with three systems: the Fujifilm “travel” system for street, the DSLR system for various things including wildlife, and a MF system for high end landscape.


  1. The only entity which we can count on to be ALWAYS “winning” is the Charlie Sheen, relatively speaking of course.

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