Over 6000 Posts!

Golden Gate Bridge. July 3, 2005. © Copyright Dan Mitchell — the first photograph posted at the G Dan Mitchell website.

As I was setting up today’s photograph (it will appear shortly) I happened to notice that I just passed 6000 posts on this blog! I had been posting photographs for a while before that on other blogs (for example, the old “Dan’s Outside,” which focused on backcountry adventures, and my teaching websites which date to the mid-1990s), but back in 2005 I decided to start a blog dedicated to photography.

The first post here (the obligatory “It Worked!” post) was on July 10, 2005. It was followed by a post explaining the plan to start sharing photographs on the web in a more organized fashion. The first photographic post came on July 16 of that year — it was the black and white image of the Golden Gate Bridge in fog shown above.

At first the posts were a bit irregular. Sometimes I posted several in one day. Other times there were gaps of several days between new posts. On August 16, 2005 the first string of daily photographs appeared, though there were still breaks when I was in the field for a few days or longer. (Posting photographs remotely was not so simple back then!) But I’ve been continuously posting new photographs here since the end of that month in 2005! Believe it or not, that is approximately 5000 daily photographs posted at this blog!

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books and Amazon.

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All media © Copyright G Dan Mitchell and others as indicated. Any use requires advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

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4 thoughts on “Over 6000 Posts!”

  1. That’s great, and you are ahead of me in one way. Sounds like you actually make a new photograph every day — but mine are not necessarily produced at the time they are posted.


  2. Congratulations! I’ve been posting a photo a day on Flickr for the past 6 years. I don’t have a particular theme, style or quality requirement for my photos, just that I have one shot in every 24 hour period. Sort of a photographic diary.

  3. Thanks. The original idea was twofold. First, it was a kind of “daily practice” to do enough work that I could post something every day. Second, I thought it would be interesting to expose my working process, including all of the photographs, even those that don’t make the final cut.

    The image resolution on the screen hasn’t changed, though some of those earliest images probably came from an old cropped sensor 8MP camera. From there I graduated to 12MP full frame, then 21MP full frame. I eventually added 16MP then (currently) 24MP cropped sensor images, along with the 50MP images from the camera that I currently use for landscapes.

  4. Congratulations!! Thank you for your dedication! What was the resolution on some of those early photograph? Be interesting to see a graph on how it improved over the years!

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