Tall Trees, Early Color

Tall Trees, Early Color
Tall aspen trees begin to take on fall colors, Eastern Sierra Nevada.

Tall Trees, Early Color. © Copyright 2020 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Tall aspen trees begin to take on fall colors, Eastern Sierra Nevada.

Previously I shared a different view of this grove of aspens. (More on that below.) It is part of a large grove in the Eastern Sierra that is easily accessible. As a matter of fact, I photographed it from a spot just a few feet off of a roadway. Here a large expanse of trees rises from the bottom of a valley, working its way up talus slopes toward higher peaks. Because virtually the entire grove is open to view and spread out before me, I often use a long lens to pick out small compositions from within the larger totality. This photograph focuses on a group of tall, thick, mature trees.

About that “different view” that I mentioned above — the previous version was in portrait (vertical) format while this one is obviously presented in landscape view. If you imagine that there is one “best” way to depict a subject, the choice to share both might suggest a lack of clarity on the part of the photographer. Obviously, I feel differently. I do not think there is one right or even best way to frame or format a subject, and I believe that there are multiple ways to look at it. Beyond that there is a practical value to seeing such a subject in more than one way, as anyone who has worked with photography clients understands. In the end, I actually like both ways of seeing this grove.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books and Amazon.

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All media © Copyright G Dan Mitchell and others as indicated. Any use requires advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

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One thought on “Tall Trees, Early Color”

  1. Many times I use your photographs for my iPad or iPhone background, so I appreciate both landscape and portrait mode for the two different devices! always beautiful!

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