TOFU Wall, Glasgow

TOFU Wall, Glasgow
“TOFU Wall, Glasgow” — Street art on the wall outside an Asian Fusion restaurant in Glasgow, Scotland.

On our recent trip to Scotland, among other things, we managed to spend time in the two largest cities, Glasgow and Edinburgh. We flew into Glasgow late at night, then took a shuttle to the train station to head the Oban the next day. Fortunately, we came back for a longer visit after our walk on the Great Glen Way. We liked Glasgow a lot — while it is a busy, interesting place, it didn’t seem as touristy as parts of Edinburgh. Large murals like this one are a well-known feature of Glasgow.

We knew we wanted to at least see a few of them, so we came up with a longish walking route that would take us from our downtown location, past the University of Glasgow, and eventually to where many of them are found. This is the first one we ran into. (I apologize for not having thought to look for the artist’s signature!) One thing I like about the murals is that they integrate with the surrounding urban landscape. In this case, there’s the name of the business, a window to the interior, and more — which is partly why I composed this to include surrounding elements such as the front of the car, the bollards, the sidewalk, and the upper story of the building.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.

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