Recent Photographs from Bodie

Almost a month ago we spent a few hours in the historic ghost town of Bodie, California on the final day of a trip to the eastern Sierra to photograph fall colors. On this day we decided to focus on a few other things, including a looping drive out to the east of the Sierra, followed by a side trip to Bodie, which came up when it looked like the weather conditions out there might be somewhat more interesting than usual.

Rather than save these up for a week’s worth of individual post, I have decided to combine them into a single post. (I have too many photographs queued up for future posts already.) I am presenting them in roughly the order that I shot them as we wandered around in Bodie. For those who may be unfamiliar with Bodie, it was the site of silver and gold mining many decades ago. There are stories of it being a fairly populous place with many “modern” amenities – but also of it being a rather rough place, which isn’t surprising given its remote location and the fact that it was a mining town. The mines gave out and the citizens gradually moved away, leaving the town almost completely abandoned. A few decades ago it was taken over by the California State Park System and it is now a state historical park that focuses on protecting and maintaining the place and making it available to visitors.

Walls and Windows, Bodie
Walls and Windows, Bodie

Walls and Windows, Bodie. October 13, 2013. © Copyright 2013 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Weathered wooden walls and windows, Bodie, California

I passed this building or group of buildings on my way into the town. I have photographed this structure and, in fact, this section of the structure before. Exposed to the harsh summer and winter conditions of this high desert location, it is no surprise that the wood has been severely weathered.

Standard Mill
Standard Mill

Standard Mill. Bodie, California. October 13, 2013. © Copyright 2013 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

The Standard Mill in the ghost town of Bodie, California

The Standard Mill is a large facility for refining ore, located across the town from the place where most of us begin our walks. To my eyes, it reminds me a lot of certain other mid-century industrial sites where I have photographed. Unfortunately – for me, but perhaps fortunately for other reason – fences surround the site and it is not possible to easily get inside and wander about without a guide. For that reason all of my photographs of the mill are from some distance.

Standard Mill, Bodie
Standard Mill, Bodie

Standard Mill, Bodie – Detail. Bodie, California. October 13, 2013. Copyright 2013 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

The corrugated metal exterior of the abandoned Standard Mill, Bodie, California

This is a closer photograph of the buildings of the Standard Mill, whose angles, structure, and supporting wires fascinated me.

Bodie - Buildings Near Standard Mill
Bodie – Buildings Near Standard Mill

Bodie – Buildings Near Standard Mill. Bodie, California. October 13, 2013. © Copyright 2013 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Old abandoned buildings line the streets of the ghost town of Bodie, California

These are among a number of buildings along the street heading to the entrance to the Standard Mill. The view here looks back across the valley in which the ghost town is located, toward higher hills, a small aspen grove, and cloud-shrouded peaks.

Building Facade, Bodie
Building Facade, Bodie

Building Facade, Bodie. Bodie, California. October 13, 2013. © Copyright 2013 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Windows on the front of an abandoned wooden building in the ghost town of Bodie reflect the cloud-filled sky

The squared geometry of the front of this building first caught my, along with the typical weathered condition of the wooden door, window frames, and paneling. The window reflects a distorted and blurred version of the cloud-filled sky, and underneath are hints of what is inside the windows.

Bodie Schoolhouse
Bodie Schoolhouse

Bodie Schoolhouse. Bodie, California. October 13, 2013. © Copyright 2013 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

The schoolhouse in the ghost town of Bodie, California

This is the view I first had of the schoolhouse, before I realized that it was, in fact, the school. The tall steeple first had me thinking it was perhaps a church. From this side, the building is backed by nothing but the open space of the high desert, highlighting the desolation of the place.

Downtown Bodie
Downtown Bodie

Downtown Bodie, California. October 13, 2013. © Copyright 2013 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

Downtown Bodie ghost town, with barren hills rising beyond

The foreground structure is the same schoolhouse building seen in the previous photograph. Here the perspective looks over the back of the school and across the buildings of the main street leading toward the mill, which is behind my camera position.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist whose subjects include the Pacific coast, redwood forests, central California oak/grasslands, the Sierra Nevada, California deserts, urban landscapes, night photography, and more.
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Text, photographs, and other media are © Copyright G Dan Mitchell (or others when indicated) and are not in the public domain and may not be used on websites, blogs, or in other media without advance permission from G Dan Mitchell.

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2 thoughts on “Recent Photographs from Bodie”

  1. Great spot for photos. i really like the black & white shots. When I was there in 89 I was all Kokachrome 64 for slides, using a Leica R4 (which is still going strong). I love shooting mono now, but it all had to be colour then.

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