Category Archives: Commentary

Cycling Week at the Blog

The Amgen Tour of California comes to my part of the world every February, and I take advantage of the opportunity to shoot a different sort of subject than those more typically found here. So the next week or so may be a sort of “cycling week” at my blog as I post photographs of the first few stages.

Yesterday I attended the first event, the prologue time trial stage in Sacramento, California. While in some ways a time trial can be the least exciting type of cycling race given that it is purely one rider at a time against the clock, on the other hand this type of event provides tremendous opportunities to photograph the riders – and this is largely what I concentrated on yesterday. Before the race I photographed groups of riders doing their pre-race circuits of the course and then I shot a number of them as they warmed up by the team vans. Later, during the race, I picked a few good spots and photographed riders as they came into view one by one.

Today’s stage runs from Davis to Santa Rosa. The original plan was to be at the starting line in Davis and then head on over to Santa Rosa, but the weather today is just plain awful. We’re foregoing the start in Davis but we’ll try to be at the finish line in Santa Rosa when the group comes in later this afternoon.

Aarrgg! Broken Camera!

Last night I joined The Nocturnes for night photography at Mare Island Naval Shipyard. Things began in the usual uneventful way – perhaps 40 photographers assembled as Tim Baskerville went over the “rules” of the game, I shot a few photos of the group, and then I headed off to start photographing the interesting shipyard structures under the light of a nearly full moon.

I began by working on improving a shot that I had attempted on another visit, a scene of a brick building with an attached green building in front of a metal roof structure with the power plant smokestack in the background, this time with some very interesting shadows cast by the overhead shipyard structures. Finishing this shot, I set up another of an overhead truss structure illuminated by moonlight with star trails behind. So far so good – and I felt like I was getting in the groove for a productive evening.

I composed a third shot, again with that shadowed wall of the brick building but this time with the base of a giant steel tower in front of it. I pressed the shutter release… and something didn’t sound right. Tried again, and still no go. I took the camera off the tripod and saw the dreaded Canon “err 99” message in the display. No panic, though; I’ve seen this before and know enough to remove the battery, card, and lens and give it another try. Ah, still no go. After removing the lens and jumping through a few other hoops I figured out that the mirror was in the “up” position, more or less waiting for the shutter to open… which it didn’t do.

So, perhaps 15 minutes into this night photography session I had an inoperable camera. I packed up and headed home, where I did a bit of Internet searching and found other descriptions of exactly this issue. It looks like I need to have Canon replace the shutter mechanism.

(I’m going to bring up one odd factor with Canon. It seems that a good percentage of the people who encountered this problem did so after exactly the same sequence of events that I followed in shooting long exposures with mirror lockup engaged. A number had even been using the 24-105 beforehand, as I had been. Hmmm… Later: I’ve been contacted by another photographer who had precisely the same situation and had some dialog with Canon about the situation…)

So, at the moment I’m without a camera. I’m giving some thought to picking up a 5D II a bit ahead of my planned schedule and either keeping the repaired 5D as a backup or selling it. (It would be a good deal for someone, especially with a brand new shutter.) Of course, as luck would have it, it appears that all of the body-only versions of the 5D II that were available last week are now out of stock…

Seems like a good day to take a hike. Without a camera. :-)

Update on the Night Photo Shoot at Mare Island

Earlier today I mentioned my disappointment at missing the announcement of this weekend’s night photography shoot at Mare Island sponsored by The Nocturnes, and my hope that I might still be able to join them. Luck was with me and I have confirmation from Tim Baskerville and Susan Nichols that I can take part – so I’ll be there doing the night photography thing tomorrow.

Quick Friday Links and Notes

Catching up on some links and thoughts I’ve been meaning to post during the past few days:

I see that Andy Frazer posted a piece about a book of photographs from ‘The Presidio’ by Charity Vargas and that Tim Baskerville has posted a longer piece on the same topic at his blog.

(Related to the above, I got the first notice yesterday of another night photography adventure at Mare Island Naval Shipyard scheduled for this Saturday… which included a deadline for participants to submit their application that had passed a week ago. I’m rather disappointed about that, as MI is one of my favorite locations for night photography, I’ve photographed there on several occasions with The Nocturnes, and I’ve been looking forward to going back soon. I’m hopeful that someone will reply to my email and let me know that I can still join them…)

Jim M. Goldstein posted a brief story about and links to photos of a sea otter doing something you don’t see every day and he has posted a new podcast of an interview with Aaron Johnson, the creator of the “What the Duck” photography comic.

One notion about “the right way to learn photography” that comes up a lot… and drives me crazy… is the claim that beginners should start with a single prime and stick to it if they want to understand composition and other important issues. The Readers Digest version of my thinking on this is that it was fine advice a few decades ago, but it is now obsolete. In any case, one of the arguments is that those who use zoom lenses instead of a prime are “lazy” and that they should “zoom with their feet.” I’ve been meaning to put together some photographs to go with a post illustrating the problems with this old-fashioned notion. I made the photos a week or so ago, and I hope to finalize this post before long.