On Vacation

I’ll be out and about during the first part of August and this site will not be updated again until mid-August. Watch for new photos here at that time!

Le Conte Canyon in Evening Light

LeConteCanyonBW2004|07|12: Le Conte Canyon. Kings Canyon National Park. July 12, 2004. &copy Copyright Dan Mitchell.
Le Conte Canyon in Evening Light. Kings Canyon National Park. July 12, 2004. &copy Copyright G Dan Mitchell.

This is one of my favorite images but one that frustrates me a bit as well.

Last summer a group of us had just come over Bishop Pass and down from Dusy Basin, turning south on the Muir Trail near this point. It was late in the day – we would finally arrive at our campsite after sunset – and I paused briefly to grab a hand held shot here.

I love the form of the image, especially the pool of light in the foreground at the bottom of the frame. Unfortunately, the original image was underexposed and taken on a camera that does not deal well with low light levels. Consequently, I’ll never be able to get a print larger than 8 x 10 or so out of this image.

However, in about two weeks I should be within a very short distance of this very same spot. If conditions cooperate, I’ll leave camp at the turnoff to Dusy Basin and hike down here with a better camera, better lens, and tripod and see if I can get a technically better image.

Update: I was looking at maps last night and I think that this peak is called “The Citadel.”


Melting Ice in Alpine Tarn

FloatingTarnIce2005|07|08: Ice in Alpine Tarn. Yosemite National Park. July 8, 2005. © Copyright Dan Mitchell.
Melting Ice in Alpine Tarn. Yosemite National Park. July 8, 2005. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

This little tarn (a small alpine snowmelt pond) sits on a low ridge between Mono and Parker Passes in the Tioga Pass area of Yosemite National Park, very close to the eastern park boundary.

I happened upon this ice formation while walking cross-country between the two passes, and I stopped to take some pictures. I thought of getting out the tripod but was too lazy. That decision is usually a bad one, but not in this case. It turned out that the leftmost piece of ice fell over while I was taking the picture. It isn’t apparent here, but it an enlargement you can just see the blur as it starts to topple.

Sunset at Conway Summit

ConwaySummitSunset2005|05|27: Sunset. Conway Summit. May 27, 2005. © Copyright Dan Mitchell.
Sunset. Conway Summit. May 27, 2005. © Copyright G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved..

Conway summit is the high point on Hiway 395 just north of Mono Lake in California’s Owens Valley. My friends and I had just left a restaurant in Bridgeport and headed south toward Mammoth Lakes. As we came up to Conway Summit the sun was just dropping behind the Sierra crest. I quickly pulled off the hiway just before the summit, grabbed camera and tripod, and jumped out. I squeezed off one image without the tripod as the light quickly faded, then got the camera on the tripod and took a couple more shots as the sun dropped behind the ridge.

This image is the handheld shot that I quickly snapped before taking time to get the tripod assembled and the camera mounted.

I hope to return to this spot in the fall when those aspen groves should be turning golden.

Photographer and visual opportunist. Daily photos since 2005, plus articles, reviews, news, and ideas.