The best laid plans…

… sometimes fail. :-)

A number of things needed to fall into place today so that I could arrive at Cathedral Lakes in the Yosemite back-country this evening to meet a group of photographers. Reading the previous sentence you might think that I’m somehow posting from my tent after enjoying a nice backpacker dinner.

Not quite.

I teach. Classes started this week. Today I met my Friday-only class for the first time. My plan was to have everything packed for the weekend last night – check rather late by headlamp – check. To get up at the slightly-later hour and load the car for the trip – check. To leave for the college with enough time to stop for gas, get ready for my class, etc. – oops!

When I went to the car – after loading it, of course – I discovered a flat tire. By this time it was too late to deal with a repair and still make it to the college on time – I didn’t even have time to unload the car – so I simply had to take the other car, teach my class, and then come home to unpack and get the tire repaired. So, I’m not at Cathedral Lake tonight… where I’m sure it is quite beautiful and my friends are now enjoying the post-evening photography conversation.

At least I’m reasonably confident that the Sierra will still be there when I do make it up to Cathedral… soon.

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2 thoughts on “The best laid plans…”

  1. Sorry to hear about the plans, Dan. I know the feeling about plans not quite laying down the way you always hope!

    Will keep in touch the next couple of weeks regarding early Oct. Maybe our paths will cross!

    Incidentally, where do you teach? I’m at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa.

    1. Hi Greg: Thanks for joining the site and for dropping by. I guess I’m (usually) somewhat philosophical about these little last-minute glitches – but they sure do surprise you when they happen. In the end, rather than driving up late on Friday and then hiking in by headlamp I was on the road at close to 4:00 a.m. on Saturday, arriving at the park early enough to do some morning photography before hitting the trail and meeting up with my friends a bit after noon. It turned out to be productive little trip, with photography around Cathedral Lakes on Saturday and then on Sunday morning, following by a brief visit to aspens near Conway Summit on Sunday afternoon.

      Let’s keep in touch – I’ll be back up there a few times in the next couple of weeks. By the way, I’m on the faculty at De Anza College. I know exactly where Orange Coast College is – I pass it on the way to my daughter’s place down in Costa Mesa!


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