Dunes, Sandstorm, and Mountains

Dunes, Sandstorm, and Mountains
A Death Valley sandstorm builds above sand dunes, obscuring distant desert mountains.

Dunes, Sandstorm, and Mountains. © Copyright 2013 G Dan Mitchell – all rights reserved.

A Death Valley sandstorm builds above sand dunes, obscuring distant desert mountains.

Once again I am discovering how many promising photographs get left behind when I first assess them shortly after making the photographs… and how valuable it is to revisit the original files later on. I typically do a year-end review of the previous year’s raw files, but even then I miss a few. So I suppose that there is at least one good thing to come from the limits on photography in the pandemic era — the extra time available to go back and take a look at the old files with new eyes.

For the past week or two I have been digging into photographs from the late winter and early spring of 2013. These images include Death Valley photographs from that year’s annual visit to the park. On this day the ubiquitous Death Valley winds had risen, and a sandstorm was developing above the upper valley, blowing sand and dust southward toward these dunes. The wind was gusty, and rather than filling the atmosphere with uniform haze, tall clouds of dust and sand rose high into the sky as they traversed the landscape.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.

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