Forest and Fog, Great Glen Way

Forest and Fog, Great Glen Way
“Forest and Fog, Great Glen Way” — Fog drifts across forest trees and mountains along the Great Glen Way.

Understanding a new landscape often takes time. Scotland’s is quite different from any that I’m familiar with. Much of it is green lowlands, and here along the Great Glen Way water is everywhere. There are mountains, though they seem low to this California photographer used to peaks that tower above 14,000 feet. Yet they can be quite rugged, and that ruggedness seems to come on quite suddenly. And then there is the weather! Most days were in the 60s, it was often cloudy, and we dealt with precipitation on about a third of the days or more on our walk — like on this day.

On this morning we had started — as we did almost every morning — by walking out the door of our lodgings in the lowlands. The route soon climbed into those Scottish mountains, and it remained cloudy and damp with fog drifting in and out. One moment we had decently clear views beneath the clouds; the next moment the fog would drift up from the valley and obscure the scene. The overall effect was dark and dramatic in a way that I rarely encounter in the Sierra Nevada “Range of Light.”

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.

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