Two Trees, Fog, and Promontory

Two Trees, Fog, and Promontory
“Two Trees, Fog, and Promontory” — Two trees stand atop a promontory above a foggy Pacific Ocean view, Point Lobos.

This photograph, the final in a set I’ve shared recently, comes from a half-day visit to Point Lobos one foggy late-July morning. Fog is always fun, but in this case it seemed extra special. California suffered through some extremely hot weather back in July, and I headed to the coast to try to find some relief. I found it! While the temperatures back home were rising into the upper nineties, here at the coast it was in the upper fifties under the overcast. I spent the morning and early afternoon wandering through the park.

These trees are Monterey cypresses, native to this region along the rugged coast. Here they grow along the tops of cliffs that drop steeply into the ocean. The promontory is along the north shore of Point Lobos where some of the higher cliffs are found. While the fog here was high enough to reveal the trees, a short distance offshore it was right on the water.

G Dan Mitchell is a California photographer and visual opportunist. His book, “California’s Fall Color: A Photographer’s Guide to Autumn in the Sierra” is available from Heyday Books, Amazon, and directly from G Dan Mitchell.

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